There are 8 counties in the greater Sacramento region: El Dorado, Nevada Placer, Sacramento, Solano, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba. These counties provide funding for arts councils, arts in public places, artists in residence and many other programs that contribute to your quality of life. Many communities in this region are unincorporated and are governed by the county. Keep your representatives informed about the importance of art where you live.
The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission awarded $708,000 to 55 arts organizations through 2003-04 and $701,035 to 49 local arts organizations through the 2002-03 Cultural Arts Awards. Funded by the city and county of Sacramento, these programs provide organizations with partial financial support for project or general operating expenses. Awards are offered on a two-year cycle to organizations providing opportunites for the public to practice, experience and appreciate the arts and culture. The Arts Commission is a public agency whose mission is to actively foster, develop and advocate support for the arts in Sacramento County. For more information about SMAC or the arts organizations that SMAC funds, please call (916) 566-3992 .
June 18, 2002 the County Board of Supervisors formally approved a Regional Cultural Business Plan for the arts in 6 counties. This plan was developed by the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission For more information, call Michelle Walker at (916) 566-3992